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Surface layer similarity in the nocturnal boundary layer: the application of Hilbert-Huang transform
Hong; J (Hong; J.); Kim; J (Kim; Ishikawa; H (Ishikawa; H.); Ma YM(马耀明); Hong, J
Source PublicationBIOGEOSCIENCES
Subject Area大气科学
WOS IDWOS:000277185300006
Indexed BySCI
KeywordFlux-profile Relationships Monin-obukhov Similarity Stable Conditions Coherent Structures Wind-speed Temperature Turbulence Oscillations Intermittent Formulation
Cooperation Status国际
Citation statistics
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHong, J
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Hong,J (Hong,J.),et al. Surface layer similarity in the nocturnal boundary layer: the application of Hilbert-Huang transform[J]. BIOGEOSCIENCES,2010,7(4):1271-1278.
APA Hong.,J .,J.).,Kim.,J .,...&Hong, J.(2010).Surface layer similarity in the nocturnal boundary layer: the application of Hilbert-Huang transform.BIOGEOSCIENCES,7(4),1271-1278.
MLA Hong,et al."Surface layer similarity in the nocturnal boundary layer: the application of Hilbert-Huang transform".BIOGEOSCIENCES 7.4(2010):1271-1278.
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