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Estimation of Land Surface Heat Fluxes Based on Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Field Measurements over the Northern Tibetan Plateau
Ge, N (Ge, Nan)1; Zhong, L (Zhong, Lei)1,2,3; Ma, YM (Ma, Yaoming)4,5,6; Cheng, ML (Cheng, Meilin)1; Wang, X (Wang, Xian)1; Zou, MJ (Zou, Mijun)1; Huang, ZY (Huang, Ziyu)1
Source PublicationREMOTE SENSING

Land surface heat fluxes consist of the net radiation flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux. The estimation of these fluxes is essential to the study of energy transfer in land-atmosphere systems. In this paper, Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-on data were applied to estimate the land surface heat fluxes on the northern Tibetan Plateau using the SEBS (surface energy balance system) model, in combination with the calculation of field measurements at CAMP/Tibet (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) Asia-Australia Monsoon Project on the Tibetan Plateau) automatic weather stations based on the combinatory method (CM) for comparison. The root mean square errors between the satellite estimations and the CM calculations for the net radiation flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux were 49.2 W/m(2), 46.3 W/m(2), 68.2 W/m(2), and 54.9 W/m(2), respectively. The results reveal that land surface heat fluxes all present significant seasonal variability. Apart from the sensible heat flux, the satellite-estimated net radiation flux, soil heat flux, and latent heat flux exhibited a trend of summer > spring > autumn > winter. In summer, spring, autumn, and winter, respectively, the median values of the net radiation flux (631.8 W/m(2), 583.0 W/m(2), 404.4 W/m(2), 314.3 W/m(2)), soil heat flux (40.9 W/m(2), 37.9 W/m(2), 26.1 W/m(2), 20.5 W/m(2)), sensible heat flux (252.7 W/m(2), 219.5 W/m(2), 221.4 W/m(2), 204.8 W/m(2)), and latent heat flux (320.1 W/m(2), 298.3 W/m(2), 142.3 W/m(2), 75.5 W/m(2)) exhibited distinct seasonal diversity. From November to April, the in situ sensible heat flux is higher than the latent heat flux; the opposite is true between June and September, leaving May and October as transitional months. For water bodies, alpine meadows and other main underlying surface types, sensible and latent heat flux generally present contrasting and complementary spatial distributions. Due to the 15-60 m resolution of the Landsat 7 ETM+ data, the distribution of land surface heat fluxes can be used as an indicator of complex underlying surface types over the northern Tibetan Plateau.

Subject AreaAtmospheric Sciences
WOS IDWOS:000507333400015
Indexed BySCI
KeywordHeterogeneous Landscape Energy-balance Net-radiation Aster Modis Evapotranspiration Similarity Area
WOS Research AreaRemote Sensing
WOS SubjectRemote Sensing
Cooperation Status国内
Citation statistics
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorZhong, L (Zhong, Lei)
Affiliation1.Univ Sci & Technol China, Sch Earth & Space Sci, Lab Atmospher Observat & Climate Environm Res, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China;
2.CAS Ctr Excellence Comparat Planetol, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China;
3.Jiangsu Collaborat Innovat Ctr Climate Change, Nanjing 210023, Peoples R China;
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China;
5.CAS Ctr Excellence Tibetan Plateau Earth Sci, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China;
6.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Coll Earth & Planetary Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Ge, N ,Zhong, L ,Ma, YM ,et al. Estimation of Land Surface Heat Fluxes Based on Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Field Measurements over the Northern Tibetan Plateau[J]. REMOTE SENSING,2019,11(24):2899.
APA Ge, N .,Zhong, L .,Ma, YM .,Cheng, ML .,Wang, X .,...&Huang, ZY .(2019).Estimation of Land Surface Heat Fluxes Based on Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Field Measurements over the Northern Tibetan Plateau.REMOTE SENSING,11(24),2899.
MLA Ge, N ,et al."Estimation of Land Surface Heat Fluxes Based on Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Field Measurements over the Northern Tibetan Plateau".REMOTE SENSING 11.24(2019):2899.
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