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Dynamics of crustal overthrust versus underthrust in the continental collision zones: Numerical modelling
Huangfu, PP (Huangfu, Pengpeng)1; Li, ZH (Li, Zhong-Hai)1,2; Fan, WM (Fan, Weiming)1,3,4; Shi, YL (Shi, Yaolin)1
Source PublicationTERRA NOVA

Trans-plate crustal overthrust and underthrust are two unusual crustal architectures in nature, the mechanisms of which remain debated. Here, we construct a series of 2D numerical models to investigate the dynamics of trans-plate crustal overthrust and underthrust. Model results indicate that the favourable conditions of crustal overthrust include low convergence rate, plastically strong crust, rheologically strong upper crust and hot subducting plate, which meanwhile contribute to the formation of 'crocodile' crustal structure. In contrast, a combination of a strong and buoyant subducting plate with a hot overriding plate facilitates crustal underthrust. The development of crustal overthrust shows no correlation with the subduction mode of lithospheric mantle, whereas crustal underthrust normally occurs in an advancing subduction system. Development conditions and crustal structures of the modelled overthrust and underthrust are consistent, on the first order, with the natural Dinarides orogen and the southern Tibetan plateau respectively.

Subject AreaGeosciences
WOS IDWOS:000475470900002
Indexed BySCI
KeywordTibetan Plateau Cenozoic Basalts Trace-element Beneath North Eastern China Boundary Isotope Growth
WOS Research AreaGeology
WOS SubjectGeosciences, Multidisciplinary
Cooperation Status国内
Citation statistics
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHuangfu, PP (Huangfu, Pengpeng)
Affiliation1.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Coll Earth & Planetary Sci, Key Lab Computat Geodynam, Beijing, Peoples R China;
2.Qingdao Natl Lab Marine Sci & Technol, Lab Marine Geol, Qingdao, Shandong, Peoples R China;
3.CAS Ctr Excellence Tibetan Plateau Earth Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China;
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing, Peoples R China.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Huangfu, PP ,Li, ZH ,Fan, WM ,et al. Dynamics of crustal overthrust versus underthrust in the continental collision zones: Numerical modelling[J]. TERRA NOVA,2019,31(4):332-342.
APA Huangfu, PP ,Li, ZH ,Fan, WM ,&Shi, YL .(2019).Dynamics of crustal overthrust versus underthrust in the continental collision zones: Numerical modelling.TERRA NOVA,31(4),332-342.
MLA Huangfu, PP ,et al."Dynamics of crustal overthrust versus underthrust in the continental collision zones: Numerical modelling".TERRA NOVA 31.4(2019):332-342.
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