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A New Digital Lake Bathymetry Model Using the Step-Wise Water Recession Method to Generate 3D Lake Bathymetric Maps Based on DEMs
Zhu, SY (Zhu, Siyu)1,2,3; Liu, BJ (Liu, Baojian)1,2; Wan, W (Wan, Wei)1,2; Xie, HJ (Xie, Hongjie)4; Fang, Y (Fang, Yu)3; Chen, X (Chen, Xi)1,2; Li, H (Li, Huan)1,2; Fang, WZ (Fang, Weizhen)1,2; Zhang, GQ (Zhang, Guoqing)5; Tao, MW (Tao, Mingwei)3; Hong, Y (Hong, Yang)1,2
Source PublicationWATER

The availability of lake bathymetry maps is imperative for estimating lake water volumes and their variability, which is a sensitive indicator of climate. It is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain bathymetric measurements from all of the thousands of lakes across the globe due to costly labor and/or harsh topographic regions. In this study, we develop a new digital lake bathymetry model (DLBM) using the step-wise water recession method (WRM) to generate 3-dimensional lake bathymetric maps based on the digital elevation model (DEM) alone, with two assumptions: (1) typically, the lake's bathymetry is formed and shaped by geological processes similar to those that shaped the surrounding landmasses, and (2) the agent rate of water (the thickness of the sedimentary deposit proportional to the lake water depth) is uniform. Lake Ontario and Lake Namco are used as examples to demonstrate the development, calibration, and refinement of the model. Compared to some other methods, the estimated 3D bathymetric maps using the proposed DLBM could overcome the discontinuity problem to adopt the complex topography of lake boundaries. This study provides a mathematically robust yet cost-effective approach for estimating lake volumes and their changes in regions lacking field measurements of bathymetry, for example, the remote Tibetan Plateau, which contains thousands of lakes.

Subject AreaEnvironmental Sciences
WOS IDWOS:000475346300039
Indexed BySCI
KeywordTibetan Plateau Nam Co Satellite Altimetry Level Changes Sediment Classification Fluctuations Angle
WOS Research AreaWater Resources
WOS SubjectWater Resources
Cooperation Status国际
Citation statistics
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorWan, W (Wan, Wei); Hong, Y (Hong, Yang)
Affiliation1.Peking Univ, Inst Remote Sensing, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China;
2.Peking Univ, GIS, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China;
3.Tsinghua Univ, Hydraul Engn, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China;
4.Univ Texas San Antonio, Dept Geol Sci, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA;
5.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhu, SY ,Liu, BJ ,Wan, W ,et al. A New Digital Lake Bathymetry Model Using the Step-Wise Water Recession Method to Generate 3D Lake Bathymetric Maps Based on DEMs[J]. WATER,2019,11(6):1151.
APA Zhu, SY .,Liu, BJ .,Wan, W .,Xie, HJ .,Fang, Y .,...&Hong, Y .(2019).A New Digital Lake Bathymetry Model Using the Step-Wise Water Recession Method to Generate 3D Lake Bathymetric Maps Based on DEMs.WATER,11(6),1151.
MLA Zhu, SY ,et al."A New Digital Lake Bathymetry Model Using the Step-Wise Water Recession Method to Generate 3D Lake Bathymetric Maps Based on DEMs".WATER 11.6(2019):1151.
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