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1. 青藏高原典型区雪冰重金属记录及其环境意义 [2152]
2. Impact of climate fluctuations on deposition of DDT and hexachloro.. [1593]
3. 青藏高原念青唐古拉峰地区气候特征初步分析 [1589]
4. Transport of semivolatile organic compounds to the Tibetan Plateau.. [1589]
5. NCEP/NCAR再分析资料在纳木错流域湖泊/冰川区适用性分析 [1566]
6. Recent temperature increase recorded in an ice core in the source .. [1548]
7. Major ionic composition of precipitation in the Nam Co region, Cen.. [1501]
8. Wet deposition of precipitation chemistry during 2005-2009 at a re.. [1459]
9. Characterizations of particle-bound trace metals and polycyclic ar.. [1441]
10. 西藏雅鲁藏布江表层水中汞的形态与空间分布特征 [1429]
11. 长江源区各拉丹冬峰雪冰中微粒季节变化及其环境意义 [1418]
12. Elemental composition of Tibetan Plateau top soils and its effect .. [1396]
13. Geochemical evidence on the source regions of Tibetan Plateau dust.. [1393]
14. Personal PM2.5 and indoor CO in nomadic tents using open and chimn.. [1383]
15. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Holocene lacustrine sediments i.. [1377]
16. Spatial and seasonal variations of elemental composition in Mt. Ev.. [1362]
17. 青藏高原纳木错流域夏、秋季大气降水中δ~(18)O与水汽来源及温度的关系 [1351]
18. Effectiveness of rare earth elements constrain on different materi.. [1340]
19. 北极Svalbard群岛雪坑及河流主要离子特征 [1338]
20. Hydrothermal pattern of frozen soil in Nam Co lake basin, the Tibe.. [1315]
21. 青藏高原中部各拉丹冬峰雪冰记录特征 [1310]
22. 青藏高原大气污染科学考察与监测 [1303]
23. First results on bathymetry and limnology of high-altitude lakes i.. [1299]
24. Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Microparticles in Snowpits on .. [1296]
25. Major Ion Geochemistry of Nam Co Lake and its Sources, Tibetan Pla.. [1275]
26. Mercury speciation and spatial distribution in surface waters of t.. [1265]
27. Spatial distribution and magnification processes of mercury in sno.. [1264]
28. 青藏高原纳木错流域河水主要离子化学特征及来源 [1241]
29. Seasonal variations, speciation and possible sources of mercury in.. [1235]
30. 西藏纳木错沉积物中单水方解石的发现及成因分析 [1227]
31. 西藏纳木错沉积物单水方解石出现前后的环境变化 [1205]
32. 珠穆朗玛峰极高海拔地区表层雪化学元素浓度特征 [1175]
33. 雪冰中汞的研究进展 [1173]
34. Elemental composition in surface snow from the ultra-high elevatio.. [1172]
35. 近期青藏高原长江源区急剧升温的冰芯证据 [1098]
36. Characteristics of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Monthly Mean.. [1095]


1. Major ionic composition of precipitation in the Nam Co region, Cen.. [292]
2. Elemental composition of Tibetan Plateau top soils and its effect .. [248]
3. Transport of semivolatile organic compounds to the Tibetan Plateau.. [243]
4. Major Ion Geochemistry of Nam Co Lake and its Sources, Tibetan Pla.. [237]
5. 西藏雅鲁藏布江表层水中汞的形态与空间分布特征 [235]
6. Spatial and seasonal variations of elemental composition in Mt. Ev.. [227]
7. NCEP/NCAR再分析资料在纳木错流域湖泊/冰川区适用性分析 [224]
8. Impact of climate fluctuations on deposition of DDT and hexachloro.. [223]
9. 青藏高原念青唐古拉峰地区气候特征初步分析 [213]
10. Recent temperature increase recorded in an ice core in the source .. [208]
11. Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Microparticles in Snowpits on .. [199]
12. 青藏高原大气污染科学考察与监测 [197]
13. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Holocene lacustrine sediments i.. [186]
14. Spatial distribution and magnification processes of mercury in sno.. [186]
15. Personal PM2.5 and indoor CO in nomadic tents using open and chimn.. [185]
16. Mercury speciation and spatial distribution in surface waters of t.. [178]
17. 青藏高原纳木错流域河水主要离子化学特征及来源 [168]
18. Geochemical evidence on the source regions of Tibetan Plateau dust.. [168]
19. 长江源区各拉丹冬峰雪冰中微粒季节变化及其环境意义 [164]
20. Characterizations of particle-bound trace metals and polycyclic ar.. [157]
21. Hydrothermal pattern of frozen soil in Nam Co lake basin, the Tibe.. [151]
22. 近期青藏高原长江源区急剧升温的冰芯证据 [151]
23. 青藏高原纳木错流域夏、秋季大气降水中δ~(18)O与水汽来源及温度的关系 [150]
24. Wet deposition of precipitation chemistry during 2005-2009 at a re.. [148]
25. 北极Svalbard群岛雪坑及河流主要离子特征 [142]
26. 雪冰中汞的研究进展 [135]
27. Seasonal variations, speciation and possible sources of mercury in.. [135]
28. 珠穆朗玛峰极高海拔地区表层雪化学元素浓度特征 [132]
29. 青藏高原中部各拉丹冬峰雪冰记录特征 [131]
30. 西藏纳木错沉积物中单水方解石的发现及成因分析 [130]
31. 西藏纳木错沉积物单水方解石出现前后的环境变化 [125]
32. Elemental composition in surface snow from the ultra-high elevatio.. [123]
33. First results on bathymetry and limnology of high-altitude lakes i.. [101]
34. Effectiveness of rare earth elements constrain on different materi.. [97]
35. Characteristics of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Monthly Mean.. [94]
36. 青藏高原典型区雪冰重金属记录及其环境意义 [8]