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Augmentations to the Noah Model Physics for Application to the Yellow River Source Area. Part II: Turbulent Heat Fluxes and Soil Heat Transport 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 16, 期号: 6, 页码: 2677-2694
Authors:  Zheng, DH (Zheng, Donghai);  van der Velde, R (van der Velde, Rogier);  Su, ZB (Su, Zhongbo);  Wang, X (Wang, Xin);  Wen, J (Wen, Jun);  Booij, MJ (Booij, Martijn J.);  Hoekstra, AY (Hoekstra, Arjen Y.);  Chen, YY (Chen, Yingying);  Zheng, DH
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Augmentations to the Noah Model Physics for Application to the Yellow River Source Area. Part I: Soil Water Flow 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 16, 期号: 6, 页码: 2659-2676
Authors:  Zheng, DH (Zheng, Donghai);  van der Velde, R (van der Velde, Rogier);  Su, ZB (Su, Zhongbo);  Wang, X (Wang, Xin);  Wen, J (Wen, Jun);  Booij, MJ (Booij, Martijn J.);  Hoekstra, AY (Hoekstra, Arjen Y.);  Chen, YY (Chen, Yingying);  Zheng, DH
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