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Different region climate regimes and topography affect the changes in area and mass balance of glaciers on the north and south slopes of the same glacierized massif (the West Nyainqentanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau) 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2013, 卷号: 495, 期号: 0, 页码: 64-73
Authors:  Yu, WS (Yu, Wusheng);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Kang, SC (Kang, Shichang);  Pu, JC (Pu, Jianchen);  Yang, W (Yang, Wei);  Gao, TG (Gao, Tanguang);  Zhao, HB (Zhao, Huabiao);  Zhou, H (Zhou, Hang);  Li, SH (Li, Shenghai);  Wang, WC (Wang, Weicai);  Ma, LL (Ma, Linglong);  Yu, WS (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Evidence for constriction and Pliocene acceleration of east-west extension in the North Lunggar rift region of west central Tibet 期刊论文
TECTONICS, 2013, 卷号: 32, 期号: 5, 页码: 1454-1479
Authors:  Sundell, KE (Sundell, Kurt E.);  Taylor, MH (Taylor, Michael H.);  Styron, RH (Styron, Richard H.);  Stockli, DF (Stockli, Daniel F.);  Kapp, P (Kapp, Paul);  Hager, C (Hager, Christian);  Liu, DL (Liu, Deliang);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Sundell, KE (通讯作者),Univ Houston, Dept Earth & Atmospher Sci, 312 Sci & Res Bldg 1,Rm 312, Houston, TX 77204 USA
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Climate Change on the Northern Tibetan Plateau during 1957-2009: Spatial Patterns and Possible Mechanisms 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 2013, 卷号: 26, 期号: 1, 页码: 85-109
Authors:  Cuo, L (Cuo, Lan);  Zhang, YX (Zhang, Yongxin);  Wang, QC (Wang, Qingchun);  Zhang, LL (Zhang, Leilei);  Zhou, BR (Zhou, Bingrong);  Hao, ZC (Hao, Zhenchun);  Su, FG (Su, Fengge);  Cuo, L (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, 4A Datun Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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S-n velocity tomography beneath the Himalayan collision zone and surrounding regions 期刊论文
EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE, 2013, 卷号: 65, 期号: 7, 页码: 725-730
Authors:  Lu, Y (Lu, Yan);  Liu, B (Liu, Bin);  Ni, SD (Ni, Sidao);  Pei, SP (Pei, Shunping);  Lu, Y (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geol & Geophys, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China.
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Reply to comment on "Displacement along the Karakoram fault, NW Himalaya, estimated from IA-ICPIVLS U-Pb dating of offset geologic markers" published by Leloup et aL in EPSL, 2013 期刊论文
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 2013, 卷号: 363, 期号: 0, 页码: 246-248
Authors:  Wang, SF (Wang, Shifeng);  Murphy, MA (Murphy, Michael A.);  Phillips, RJ (Phillips, Richard J.);  Wang, C (Wang, Chao);  Wang, SF (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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Distinct lateral contrast of the crustal and upper mantle structure beneath northeast Tibetan plateau from receiver function analysis 期刊论文
Authors:  Xu, Q (Xu, Qiang);  Zhao, JM (Zhao, Junmeng);  Pei, SP (Pei, Shunping);  Liu, HB (Liu, Hongbing);  Xu, Q (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Crustal structure of the central Qaidam basin imaged by seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction profiling 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2013, 卷号: 584, 期号: 特刊: SI, 页码: 174-190
Authors:  Zhao, JM (Zhao, Junmeng);  Jin, ZJ (Jin, Zhijun);  Mooney, WD (Mooney, Walter D.);  Okaya, N (Okaya, Nihal);  Wang, SX (Wang, Shangxu);  Gao, X (Gao, Xing);  Tang, LJ (Tang, Liangjie);  Pei, SP (Pei, Shunping);  Liu, HB (Liu, Hongbing);  Xu, Q (Xu, Qiang);  Zhao, JM (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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High-resolution seismic velocity structure and azimuthal anisotropy around the 2010 Ms=7.1 Yushu earthquake, Qinghai, China from 2D tomography 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2013, 卷号: 584, 期号: 特刊: SI, 页码: 144-151
Authors:  Pei, SP (Pei, Shunping);  Chen, YJ (Chen, Yongshun John);  Feng, BA (Feng, Biao);  Gao, X (Gao, Xing);  Su, JR (Su, Jinrong);  Chen, YJ (通讯作者),Peking Univ, Inst Theoret & Appl Geophys, Sch Earth & Space Sci, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.
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Imaging lithospheric structure of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: New insights from receiver function analysis 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 2013, 卷号: 118, 期号: 5, 页码: 2323-2332
Authors:  Xu, Q (Xu, Qiang);  Zhao, JM (Zhao, Junmeng);  Pei, SP (Pei, Shunping);  Liu, HB (Liu, Hongbing);  Xu, Q (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Miocene initiation and acceleration of extension in the South Lunggar rift, western Tibet: Evolution of an active detachment system from structural mapping and (U-Th)/He thermochronology 期刊论文
TECTONICS, 2013, 卷号: 32, 期号: 4, 页码: 880-907
Authors:  Styron, RH (Styron, Richard H.);  Taylor, MH (Taylor, Michael H.);  Sundell, KE (Sundell, Kurt E.);  Stockli, DF (Stockli, Daniel F.);  Oalmann, JAG (Oalmann, Jeffrey A. G.);  Moeller, A (Moeller, Andreas);  McCallister, AT (McCallister, Andrew T.);  Liu, DL (Liu, Deliang);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Styron, RH (通讯作者),Univ Michigan, Dept Earth & Environm Sci, 2534 CC Little Bldg,1100 North Univ Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA.
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