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The origins of the Mengye potash deposit in the Lanping-Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, Western China 期刊论文
ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2015, 卷号: 69, 期号: 0, 页码: 174-186
Authors:  Li, MH (Li, Minghui);  Yan, MD (Yan, Maodu);  Wang, ZR (Wang, Zhengrong);  Liu, XM (Liu, Xiaoming);  Fang, XM (Fang, Xiaomin);  Li, J (Li, Jiao);  Li, MH
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Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of Early Eocene metagabbroic rocks in Nabang (SW Yunnan) and its implications on the Neotethyan slab subduction 期刊论文
GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2015, 卷号: 27, 期号: 4, 页码: 1474-1486
Authors:  Wang, YJ (Wang, Yuejun);  Li, SB (Li, Shubo);  Ma, LY (Ma, Liyan);  Fan, WM (Fan, Weiming);  Cai, YF (Cai, Yongfeng);  Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yanhua);  Zhang, FF (Zhang, Feifei);  Wang, YJ
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Complex deformation pattern of the Pamir-Hindu Kush region inferred from multi-scale double-difference earthquake relocations 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2015, 卷号: 638, 期号: 0, 页码: 177-184
Authors:  Bai, L (Bai, Ling);  Zhang, TZ (Zhang, Tianzhong);  Bai, L
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Variations in the geochemical structure of the mantle wedge beneath the northeast Asian marginal region from pre- to post-opening of the Japan Sea 期刊论文
LITHOS, 2015, 卷号: 224, 期号: 0, 页码: 324-341
Authors:  Chen, SS (Chen, Shuang-shuang);  Liu, JQ (Liu, Jia-qi);  Chen, SS (Chen, Sheng-sheng);  Guo, ZF (Guo, Zheng-fu);  Sun, CQ (Sun, Chun-qing);  Liu, JQ
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Integrated simulation of snow and glacier melt in water and energy balance-based, distributed hydrological modeling framework at Hunza River Basin of Pakistan Karakoram region 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2015, 卷号: 120, 期号: 10, 页码: 4889-4919
Authors:  Shrestha, M (Shrestha, Maheswor);  Koike, T (Koike, Toshio);  Hirabayashi, Y (Hirabayashi, Yukiko);  Xue, YK (Xue, Yongkang);  Wang, L (Wang, Lei);  Rasul, G (Rasul, Ghulam);  Ahmad, B (Ahmad, Bashir);  Shrestha, M
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Mapping crustal structure beneath southern Tibet: Seismic evidence for continental crustal underthrusting 期刊论文
GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2015, 卷号: 27, 期号: 4, 页码: 1487-1493
Authors:  Xu, Q (Xu, Qiang);  Zhao, JM (Zhao, Junmeng);  Yuan, XH (Yuan, Xiaohui);  Liu, HB (Liu, Hongbing);  Pei, SP (Pei, Shunping);  Xu, Q
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Forearc hyperextension dismembered the south Tibetan ophiolites 期刊论文
GEOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 43, 期号: 6, 页码: 475-478
Authors:  Maffione, M (Maffione, Marco);  van Hinsbergen, DJJ (van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.);  Koornneef, LMT (Koornneef, Louise M. T.);  Guilmette, C (Guilmette, Carl);  Hodges, K (Hodges, Kip);  Borneman, N (Borneman, Nathaniel);  Huang, WT (Huang, Wentao);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Kapp, P (Kapp, Paul);  Maffione, M
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Late Triassic paleolatitude of the Qiangtang block: Implications for the closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean 期刊论文
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 2015, 卷号: 424, 期号: 0, 页码: 69-83
Authors:  Song, PP (Song, Peiping);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Li, ZY (Li, Zhenyu);  Lippert, PC (Lippert, Peter C.);  Yang, TS (Yang, Tianshui);  Zhao, XX (Zhao, Xixi);  Fu, JJ (Fu, Jiajun);  Yue, YH (Yue, Yahui);  Song, PP
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Paleotethyan subduction process revealed from Triassic blueschists in the Lancang tectonic belt of Southwest China 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2015, 卷号: 662, 期号: 特刊, 页码: 95-108
Authors:  Fan, WM (Fan, Weiming);  Wang, YJ (Wang, Yuejun);  Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yanhua);  Zhang, YZ (Zhang, Yuzhi);  Jourdan, F (Jourdan, Fred);  Zi, JW (Zi, Jianwei);  Liu, HC (Liu, Huichuan);  Fan, WM
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Stratigraphic characterization and structural analysis of the northwestern Hazara Ranges across Panjal Thrust, northern Pakistan 期刊论文
ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 2015, 卷号: 8, 期号: 10, 页码: 7811-7829
Authors:  Qasim, M (Qasim, Muhammad);  Khan, MA (Khan, Muhammad Asif);  Haneef, M (Haneef, Muhammad);  Qasim, M
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