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Focused modern denudation of the Longmen Shan margin, eastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
Authors:  Jing LZ (刘静);  Li W (文力);  Oskin M (Oskin Michael);  Zeng LS (Zeng Lingsen);  Jing LZ (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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Tomographic Pn and Sn velocity beneath the continental collision zone from Alps to Himalaya 期刊论文
Authors:  Pei SP (裴顺平);  Sun YS (Sun Youshun);  Toksoz MN (Toksoez M. Nafi);  Pei SP (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary revealed by S-receiver functions from the Hi-CLIMB experiment 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 2011, 卷号: 187, 期号: 1, 页码: 414-420
Authors:  Xu Q (徐强);  Zhao JM (赵俊猛);  Pei SP (裴顺平);  Liu HB (刘宏兵);  Xu Q (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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U-Pb SHRIMP and (40)Ar/(39)Ar ages constrain the deformation history of the Karakoram fault zone (KFZ), SW Tibet 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2011, 卷号: 509, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 208-217
Authors:  Wang SF (王世锋);  Wang EC (Wang Erchie);  Fang XM (方小敏);  Lai QZ (来庆洲);  Wang SF (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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Three-dimensional finite element modeling of stress evolution around the Xiaojiang fault system in the southeastern Tibetan plateau during the past similar to 500 years 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2011, 卷号: 507, 期号: 1-4, 页码: 70-85
Authors:  He JK (何建坤);  Xia WH (夏文海);  Lu SJ (卢双疆);  Qian HS (Qian Huashan);  He JK (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing, Peoples R China
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Origin and development of Artemisia (Asteraceae) in Asia and its implications for the uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau: A review 期刊论文
QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 2011, 卷号: 236, 期号: 0, 页码: 3-12
Authors:  Miao YF (苗运法);  Meng QQ (Meng Qingquan);  Fang XM (方小敏);  Yan XL (Yan Xiaoli);  Wu FL (吴福莉);  Song CH (Song Chunhui);  Meng QQ (通讯作者),Lanzhou Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Western Chinas Environm Syst, Lanzhou 730000, Peoples R China
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Constant slip rate during the late Quaternary along the Sulu He segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault near Changma, Gansu, China 期刊论文
ISLAND ARC, 2011, 卷号: 20, 期号: 1, 页码: 94-106
Authors:  Seong YB (Seong Yeong Bae);  Kang HC (Kang Hee Cheol);  Ree JH (Ree Jin-Han);  Yi C (易朝路);  Yoon H (Yoon Hyeon);  Seong YB (通讯作者),Korea Univ, Dept Geog Educ, Seoul, South Korea
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Cenozoic anatexis and exhumation of Tethyan Sequence rocks in the Xiao Curia Range, Southwest Tibet 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2011, 卷号: 501, 期号: 1-4, 页码: 28-40
Authors:  Pullen A (Pullen Alex);  Kapp P (Kapp Paul);  DeCelles PG (DeCelles Peter G.);  Gehrels GE (Gehrels George E.);  Ding L (丁林);  Pullen A (通讯作者),Univ Rochester, Dept Earth & Environm Sci, 601 Elmwood Ave, Rochester, NY 14627 USA
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Metamorphic evolution of the Tethyan Himalayan flysch in SE Tibet 期刊论文
GROWTH AND COLLAPSE OF THE TIBETAN PLATEAU 丛书: Geological Society Special Publication, 2011, 卷号: 353, 期号: 0, 页码: 45-69
Authors:  Dunkl I (Dunkl I.);  Antolin B (Antolin B.);  Wemmer K (Wemmer K.);  Rantitsch G (Rantitsch G.);  Kienast M (Kienast M.);  Montomoli C (Montomoli C.);  Ding L (丁林);  Carosi R (Carosi R.);  Appel E (Appel E.);  El Bay R (El Bay R.);  Xu Q (许强);  Von Eynatten H (Von Eynatten H.);  Dunkl I (通讯作者),Univ Gottingen, Geosci Ctr, Goldschmidtstr 3, D-37077 Gottingen, Germany
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Incision rate of the Yellow River in Northeastern Tibet constrained by (10)Be and (26)Al cosmogenic isotope dating of fluvial terraces: implications for catchment evolution and plateau building 期刊论文
GROWTH AND COLLAPSE OF THE TIBETAN PLATEAU 丛书: Geological Society Special Publication, 2011, 卷号: 353, 期号: 0, 页码: 189-219
Authors:  Perrineau A (Perrineau A.);  Van Der Woerd J (Van Der Woerd J.);  Gaudemer Y (Gaudemer Y.);  Jing LZ (刘静);  Pik R (Pik R.);  Tapponnier P (Tapponnier P.);  Thuizat R (Thuizat R.);  Zheng RZ (Zheng Rongzhang);  Perrineau A (通讯作者),Inst Phys Globe, Lab Tecton, UMR 7154, 4 Pl Jussieu, F-75254 Paris 05, France
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