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The origins of the Mengye potash deposit in the Lanping-Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, Western China 期刊论文
ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2015, 卷号: 69, 期号: 0, 页码: 174-186
Authors:  Li, MH (Li, Minghui);  Yan, MD (Yan, Maodu);  Wang, ZR (Wang, Zhengrong);  Liu, XM (Liu, Xiaoming);  Fang, XM (Fang, Xiaomin);  Li, J (Li, Jiao);  Li, MH
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Quantitative temperature records of mid Cretaceous hothouse: Evidence from halite fluid inclusions 期刊论文
Authors:  Zhang, H (Zhang, Hua);  Liu, CL (Liu, Chenglin);  Zhao, YJ (Zhao, Yanjun);  Mischke, S (Mischke, Steffen);  Fang, XM (Fang, Xiaomin);  Ding, T (Ding, Ting);  Zhang, H
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Reply to comment by W. Liu and B. Xia on "Age and geochemistry of western Hoh-Xil-Songpan-Ganzi granitoids, northern Tibet: Implications for the Mesozoic closure of the Paleo-Tethys ocean" 期刊论文
LITHOS, 2015, 卷号: 212, 期号: 0, 页码: 457-461
Authors:  Zhang, LY (Zhang, Li-Yun);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Pullen, A (Pullen, Alex);  Kapp, P (Kapp, Paul);  Zhang, LY
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Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of Early Eocene metagabbroic rocks in Nabang (SW Yunnan) and its implications on the Neotethyan slab subduction 期刊论文
GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2015, 卷号: 27, 期号: 4, 页码: 1474-1486
Authors:  Wang, YJ (Wang, Yuejun);  Li, SB (Li, Shubo);  Ma, LY (Ma, Liyan);  Fan, WM (Fan, Weiming);  Cai, YF (Cai, Yongfeng);  Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yanhua);  Zhang, FF (Zhang, Feifei);  Wang, YJ
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Revisiting Triassic stratigraphy of the Yanshan belt 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2015, 卷号: 58, 期号: 4, 页码: 491-501
Authors:  Wei, HH (Wei HongHong);  Wu, GL (Wu GuoLi);  Duan, L (Duan Liang);  Wei, HH
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Paleoenvironmental implications of uranium concentrations in lacustrine calcareous clastic-evaporite deposits in the western Qaidam Basin 期刊论文
Authors:  Yang, YB (Yang, Yibo);  Fang, XM (Fang, Xiaomin);  Li, MH (Li, Minghui);  Galy, A (Galy, Albert);  Koutsodendris, A (Koutsodendris, Andreas);  Zhang, WL (Zhang, Weilin);  Yang, YB
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Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary Sedimentary Relicts in the Renbu Melange Zone, within the Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 123, 期号: 1, 页码: 39-54
Authors:  Li, GW (Li, Guangwei);  Sandiford, M (Sandiford, Mike);  Boger, S (Boger, Steven);  Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohan);  Wei, LJ (Wei, Lijie);  Li, GW
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The exhumation history of collision-related mineralizing systems in Tibet: Insights from thermal studies of the Sharang and Yaguila deposits, central Lhasa 期刊论文
ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2015, 卷号: 65, 期号: 0, 页码: 1043-1061
Authors:  Zhao, JX (Zhao, Junxing);  Qin, KZ (Qin, Kezhang);  Li, GM (Li, Guangming);  Cao, MJ (Cao, Mingjian);  Evans, NJ (Evans, Noreen J.);  McInnes, BIA (McInnes, Brent I. A.);  Li, JX (Li, Jinxiang);  Xiao, B (Xiao, Bo);  Chen, L (Chen, Lei);  Qin, KZ
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Sediment dynamics and hydrologic events affecting small lacustrine systems on the southern-central Tibetan Plateau - the example of TT Lake 期刊论文
HOLOCENE, 2015, 卷号: 25, 期号: 3, 页码: 508-522
Authors:  Ahlborn, M (Ahlborn, Marieke);  Haberzettl, T (Haberzettl, Torsten);  Wang, JB (Wang, Junbo);  Alivernini, M (Alivernini, Mauro);  Schlutz, F (Schluetz, Frank);  Schwarz, A (Schwarz, Anja);  Su, YL (Su, Youliang);  Frenzel, P (Frenzel, Peter);  Daut, G (Daut, Gerhard);  Zhu, LP (Zhu, Liping);  Mausbacher, R (Maeusbacher, Roland);  Ahlborn, M
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Lower Cretaceous Xigaze ophiolites formed in the Gangdese forearc: Evidence from paleomagnetism, sediment provenance, and stratigraphy 期刊论文
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 2015, 卷号: 415, 期号: 0, 页码: 142-153
Authors:  Huang, WT (Huang, Wentao);  van Hinsbergen, DJJ (van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.);  Maffione, M (Maffione, Marco);  Orme, DA (Orme, Devon A.);  Dupont-Nivet, G (Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume);  Guilmette, C (Guilmette, Carl);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Guo, ZJ (Guo, Zhaojie);  Kapp, P (Kapp, Paul);  Huang, WT
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