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Ultramafic to mafic granulites from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica: Geochemistry and tectonic implications 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2017, 卷号: 145, 期号: SI, 页码: 679-690
Authors:  Tong, LX (Tong, Laixi);  Jahn, BM (Jahn, Bor-ming);  Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohan);  Liang, XR (Liang, Xirong);  Xu, YG (Xu, Yi-gang);  Ionov, D (Ionov, Dmitri);  Tong, LX
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Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence (Himalayas, SE Tibet) 期刊论文
ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 2017, 卷号: 136, 期号: 1, 页码: 73-88
Authors:  Montomoli, C (Montomoli, Chiara);  Iaccarino, S (Iaccarino, Salvatore);  Antolin, B (Antolin, Borja);  Appel, E (Appel, Erwin);  Carosi, R (Carosi, Rodolfo);  Dunkl, I (Dunkl, Istvan);  Lin, D (Lin, Ding);  Visona, D (Visona, Dario);  Montomoli, C
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Early Permian mafic dikes in the Nagqu area, central Tibet, China, associated with embryonic oceanic crust of the Meso-Tethys Ocean 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 6, 页码: 4172-4190
Authors:  Chen, SS (Chen, Sheng-Sheng);  Shi, RD (Shi, Ren-Deng);  Fan, WM (Fan, Wei-Ming);  Gong, XH (Gong, Xiao-Han);  Wu, K (Wu, Kang);  Chen, SS
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Western Tibet relief evolution since the Oligo-Miocene 期刊论文
GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2017, 卷号: 41, 期号: 0, 页码: 425-437
Authors:  Gourbet, L (Gourbet, Loraine);  Maheo, G (Maheo, Gweltaz);  Leloup, PH (Leloup, Philippe Herve);  Paquette, JL (Paquette, Jean-Louis);  Sorrel, P (Sorrel, Philippe);  Henriquet, M (Henriquet, Maxime);  Liu, X (Liu, Xiaobing);  Liu, X (Liu, Xiaohan);  Gourbet, L
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Midcrustal shearing and doming in a Cenozoic compressive setting along the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone 期刊论文
GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 2017, 卷号: 18, 期号: 1, 页码: 400-433
Authors:  Zhang, B (Zhang, B.);  Yin, CY (Yin, C. Y.);  Zhang, JJ (Zhang, J. J.);  Wang, JM (Wang, J. M.);  Zhong, DL (Zhong, D. L.);  Wang, Y (Wang, Y.);  Lai, QZ (Lai, Q. Z.);  Yue, YH (Yue, Y. H.);  Zhou, QY (Zhou, Q. Y.);  Zhang, B
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Processes of initial collision and suturing between India and Asia 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2017, 卷号: 60, 期号: 4, 页码: 635-651
Authors:  Ding, L (Ding Lin);  Maksatbek, S (Maksatbek, Satybaev);  Cai, FL (Cai FuLong);  Wang, HQ (Wang HouQi);  Song, PP (Song PeiPing);  Ji, WQ (Ji WeiQiang);  Xu, Q (Xu Qiang);  Zhang, LY (Zhang LiYun);  Muhammad, Q (Muhammad, Qasim);  Upendra, B (Upendra, Baral);  Ding, L
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Paleomagnetic constraints on the paleolatitude of the Lhasa block during the Early Cretaceous: Implications for the onset of India-Asia collision and latitudinal shortening estimates across Tibet and stable Asia 期刊论文
GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2017, 卷号: 41, 期号: 0, 页码: 352-372
Authors:  Li, ZY (Li, Zhenyu);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Song, PP (Song, Peiping);  Fu, JJ (Fu, Jiajun);  Yue, YH (Yue, Yahui);  Li, ZY
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Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic evolution of the Lhasa Terrane in the Xainza area of southern Tibet 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2017, 卷号: 721, 期号: 0, 页码: 415-434
Authors:  Fan, SY (Fan, Suoya);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Murphy, MA (Murphy, Michael A.);  Yao, W (Yao, Wei);  Yin, A (Yin, An);  Fan, SY
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Large southward motion and clockwise rotation of Indochina throughout the Mesozoic: Paleomagnetic and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological constraints 期刊论文
EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 2017, 卷号: 459, 期号: 0, 页码: 264-278
Authors:  Yan, YG (Yan, Yonggang);  Huang, BC (Huang, Baochun);  Zhao, J (Zhao, Jie);  Zhang, DH (Zhang, Donghai);  Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohui);  Charusiri, P (Charusiri, Punya);  Veeravinantanakul, A (Veeravinantanakul, Apivut);  Huang, BC
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Potential forcing mechanisms of Holocene lake-level changes at Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau: Inferred from the stable isotopic composition of shells of the gastropod Radix 期刊论文
The HOLOCENE, 2017, 卷号: 27, 期号: 4, 页码: 594-604
Authors:  Chen, F (Chen, Feng);  Feng, JL (Feng, Jin-Liang);  Hu, HP (Hu, Hai-Ping);  Zhang, JF (Zhang, Ji-Feng);  Gao, SP (Gao, Shao-Peng);  Liu, XM (Liu, Xiao-Ming);  Feng, JL
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