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Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence (Himalayas, SE Tibet) 期刊论文
ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 2017, 卷号: 136, 期号: 1, 页码: 73-88
Authors:  Montomoli, C (Montomoli, Chiara);  Iaccarino, S (Iaccarino, Salvatore);  Antolin, B (Antolin, Borja);  Appel, E (Appel, Erwin);  Carosi, R (Carosi, Rodolfo);  Dunkl, I (Dunkl, Istvan);  Lin, D (Lin, Ding);  Visona, D (Visona, Dario);  Montomoli, C
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Detrital zircon ages and provenance of Neogene foreland basin sediments of the Karnali River section, Western Nepal Himalaya 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2017, 卷号: 138, 期号: 0, 页码: 98-109
Authors:  Baral, U (Baral, Upendra);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Chamlagain, D (Chamlagain, Deepak);  Baral, U
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