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Glaciochemical records for the past century from the Qiangtang Glacier No.1 ice core on the central Tibetan Plateau: Likely proxies for climate and atmospheric circulations 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2019, 卷号: 197, 期号: 0, 页码: 66-76
Authors:  Wang, C (Wang, Cheng);  Tian, LD (Tian, Lide);  Shao, LL (Shao, Lili);  Li, Y (Li, Yao)
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青藏高原中部羌塘1号冰芯稳定同位素记录研究 学位论文
博士研究生, 北京: 中国科学院大学;中国科学院青藏高原研究所, 2018
Authors:  邵莉莉
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Driver of the interannual variations of isotope in ice core from the middle of Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 2017, 卷号: 188, 期号: 0, 页码: 48-54
Authors:  Shao, LL (Shao, Lili);  Tian, L (Tian, Lide);  Cai, ZY (Cai, Zhongyin);  Cui, JP (Cui, Jiangpeng);  Zhu, D (Zhu, Dayun);  Chen, YH (Chen, Yanhui);  Palcsu, L (Palcsu, Laszlo);  Tian, LD
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Grazing modifies inorganic and organic nitrogen uptake by coexisting plant species in alpine grassland 期刊论文
BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 2016, 卷号: 52, 期号: 2, 页码: 211-221
Authors:  Jiang, LL (Jiang, Lili);  Wang, SP (Wang, Shiping);  Pang, Z (Pang, Zhe);  Wang, CS (Wang, Changshun);  Kardol, P (Kardol, Paul);  Zhou, XQ (Zhou, Xiaoqi);  Rui, YC (Rui, Yichao);  Lan, ZC (Lan, Zhi Chun);  Wang, YF (Wang, Yanfen);  Xu, XL (Xu, Xingliang);  Jiang, LL
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Growth characteristics and response to climate change of Larix Miller tree-ring in China 期刊论文
SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2010, 卷号: 53, 期号: 6, 页码: 871-879
Authors:  Sun;  Y (Sun Yu);  Wang LL(王丽丽);  Chen;  J (Chen Jin);  Duan;  JP (Duan JianPing);  Shao XM(邵雪梅);  KL (Chen KeLong);  Duan, JP
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Standardization of Qilian juniper ring-width series in the eastern margin of the Qaidam Basin 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 2007, 卷号: 17, 期号: 2, 页码: 175-186
Authors:  Xu;  Y (Xu Yan);  Shao XM(邵雪梅)
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Climatic significance of the stable carbon isotope composition of tree-ring cellulose: Comparison of Chinese hemlock (Tsuga chinensis Pritz) and alpine pine (Pinus densata Mast) in a temperate-moist region of China 期刊论文
SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 2007, 卷号: 50, 期号: 7, 页码: 1076-1085
Authors:  Liu;  XH (Liu XiaoHong);  Shao XM(邵雪梅);  Wang;  LL (Wang LiLi);  Zhao;  LJ (Zhao LiangJu);  Wu;  P (Wu Pu);  Chen;  T (Chen Tuo);  Qin DH(秦大河);  Ren;  JW (Ren JiaWen)
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温暖湿润区铁杉和高山松树轮δ~(13)C的气候意义 期刊论文
中国科学D辑:(地球科学), 2007, 期号: 4
Authors:  刘晓宏;  邵雪梅;  王丽丽;  赵良菊;  吴普;  陈拓;  秦大河;  任贾文
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祁连山中部祁连圆柏生长与更新方式的树轮记录 期刊论文
地理研究, 2006, 期号: 1
Authors:  刘录三;  邵雪梅;  梁尔源;  王丽丽
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青海德令哈地区千年来降水量的突变分析 期刊论文
地理学报, 2006, 期号: 7
Authors:  黄磊;  邵雪梅;  刘洪滨;  梁尔源;  王丽丽
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