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Integration of Tibetan Plateau ice-core temperature records and the influence of atmospheric circulation on isotopic signals in the past century 期刊论文
QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 2014, 卷号: 81, 期号: 3, 页码: 520-530
Authors:  Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxin);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Joswiak, D (Joswiak, Daniel);  Yao, P (Yao, Ping);  Yao, TD,16 Lincui Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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A comparison of pelagic, littoral, and riverine bacterial assemblages in Lake Bangongco, Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 89, 期号: 2 特刊, 页码: 211-221
Authors:  Liu, YQ (Liu, Yongqin);  Priscu, JC (Priscu, John C.);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Vick-Majors, TJ (Vick-Majors, Trista J.);  Michaud, AB (Michaud, Alexander B.);  Jiao, NZ (Jiao, Nianzhi);  Hou, JZ (Hou, Juzhi);  Tian, LD (Tian, Lide);  Hu, AY (Hu, Anyi);  Chen, ZQ (Chen, Zhong-Qiang);  Liu, YQ,Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, 16 Lincui Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Glacier change in the Poiqu River basin inferred from Landsat data from 1975 to 2010 期刊论文
QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 2014, 卷号: 349, 期号: 0, 页码: 392-401
Authors:  Xiang, Y (Xiang, Yang);  Gao, Y (Gao, Yang);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Gao, Y,Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, 16 Lincui Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Implications of variations in delta O-18 and delta D in precipitation at Madoi in the eastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 2013, 卷号: 313, 期号: 0, 页码: 56-61
Authors:  Ren, W (任伟);  Yao, TD (姚檀栋);  Yang, XX (杨晓新);  Joswiak, DR (Joswiak, Daniel R.);  Ren, W (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, 16 Lincui Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Increased mass over the Tibetan Plateau: From lakes or glaciers? 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2013, 卷号: 40, 期号: 10, 页码: 2125-2130
Authors:  Zhang, GQ (Zhang, Guoqing);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Xie, HJ (Xie, Hongjie);  Kang, SC (Kang, Shichang);  Lei, YB (Lei, Yanbin);  Zhang, GQ (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Bldg 3,Courtyard 16,Lincui Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Coherent lake growth on the central Tibetan Plateau since the 1970s: Characterization and attribution 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2013, 卷号: 483, 期号: 0, 页码: 61-67
Authors:  Lei, YB (Lei, Yanbin);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Bird, BW (Bird, Broxton W.);  Yang, K (Yang, Kun);  Zhai, JQ (Zhai, Jianqing);  Sheng, YW (Sheng, Yongwei);  Lei, YB (通讯作者),Bldg 3,Courtyard 16,Lincui Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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