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Long-term trends of atmospheric organochlorine pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2018, 卷号: 624, 期号: 0, 页码: 241-249
Authors:  Wang, CF (Wang, Chuanfei);  Wang, XP (Wang, Xiaoping);  Gong, P (Gong, Ping);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong)
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Genome-wide and molecular evolution analyses of the phospholipase D gene family in Poplar and Grape 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2010, 卷号: 10, 期号: 117
Authors:  Liu Q(刘琦);  Zhang;  CY (Zhang;  Chiyu);  Yang YP(杨永平);  Hu XY(胡向阳);  Hu XY(胡向阳)
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Climatic significance of the stable carbon isotope composition of tree-ring cellulose: Comparison of Chinese hemlock (Tsuga chinensis Pritz) and alpine pine (Pinus densata Mast) in a temperate-moist region of China 期刊论文
SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 2007, 卷号: 50, 期号: 7, 页码: 1076-1085
Authors:  Liu;  XH (Liu XiaoHong);  Shao XM(邵雪梅);  Wang;  LL (Wang LiLi);  Zhao;  LJ (Zhao LiangJu);  Wu;  P (Wu Pu);  Chen;  T (Chen Tuo);  Qin DH(秦大河);  Ren;  JW (Ren JiaWen)
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