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Effects of cover on soil particle and associated soil nutrient redistribution on slopes under rainfall simulation 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS, 2019, 卷号: 19, 期号: 2, 页码: 729-740
Authors:  Sun, JM (Sun, Jiamei);  Huang, CH (Huang, Chi-hua);  Han, GN (Han, Guannan);  Wang, YF (Wang, Yafeng)
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Late Miocene-Pliocene geomorphological evolution of the Xiaoshuizi peneplain in the Maxian Mountains and its tectonic significance for the northeastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2017, 卷号: 295, 期号: 0, 页码: 393-405
Authors:  Li, JJ (Li, Jijun);  Ma, ZH (Ma, Zhenhua);  Li, XM (Li, Xiaomiao);  Peng, TJ (Peng, Tingjiang);  Guo, BH (Guo, Benhong);  Zhang, J (Zhang, Jun);  Song, CH (Song, Chunhui);  Liu, J (Liu, Jia);  Hui, ZC (Hui, Zhengchuang);  Yu, H (Yu, Hao);  Ye, XY (Ye, Xiyan);  Liu, SP (Liu, Shanpin);  Wang, XX (Wang, Xiuxi);  Peng, TJ
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Landscape evolution of a bedrock peneplain on the southern Tibetan Plateau revealed by in situ-produced cosmogenic Be-10 and Ne-21 期刊论文
GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2012, 卷号: 153, 期号: 0, 页码: 192-204
Authors:  Strobl M (Strobl, M.);  Hetzel R (Hetzel, R.);  Niedermann S (Niedermann, S.);  Ding L (丁林);  Zhang L (Zhang, L.);  Strobl, M (通讯作者),Univ Munster, Inst Geol & Palaontol, Corrensstr 24, D-48149 Munster, Germany.
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