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Radiation damage in ?-Ga2O3 induced by swift heavy ions 期刊论文
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2019, 卷号: 58, 期号: 12, 页码: 120914
Authors:  Ai, WS (Ai, Wensi);  Xu, LJ (Xu, Lijun);  Nan, S (Nan, Shuai);  Zhai, PF (Zhai, Pengfei);  Li, WX (Li, Weixing);  Li, ZZ (Li, Zongzhen);  Hu, PP (Hu, Peipei);  Zeng, J (Zeng, Jian);  Zhang, SX (Zhang, Shengxia);  Liu, L (Liu, Li);  Sun, YM (Sun, Youmei);  Liu, J (Liu, Jie)
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Structural response of titanate pyrochlores to swift heavy ion irradiation 期刊论文
ACTA MATERIALIA, 2016, 卷号: 117, 期号: 0, 页码: 207-215
Authors:  Shamblin, J (Shamblin, Jacob);  Tracy, CL (Tracy, Cameron L.);  Ewing, RC (Ewing, Rodney C.);  Zhang, FX (Zhang, Fuxiang);  Li, WX (Li, Weixing);  Trautmann, C (Trautmann, Christina);  Lang, M
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