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Baseline continental aerosol over the central Tibetan plateau and a case study of aerosol transport from South Asia 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2011, 卷号: 45, 期号: 39, 页码: 7370-7378
Authors:  Xia XG (Xia Xiangao);  Zong XM (Zong Xumei);  Cong ZY (丛志远);  Chen HB (Chen Hongbin);  Kang SC (康世昌);  Wang PC (Wang Pucai);  Xia XG (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Middle Atmosphere & Global Environm Obser, Inst Atmospher Phys, POB 9804, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China
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Trace elements and lead isotopic composition of PM(10) in Lhasa, Tibet 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2011, 卷号: 45, 期号: 34, 页码: 6210-6215
Authors:  Cong ZY (丛志远);  Kang SC (康世昌);  Luo CL (Luo Chunling);  Li Q (Li Qing);  Huang J (黄杰);  Gao SP (高少鹏);  Li XD (Li Xiangdong);  Kang SC (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, 18 Shuangqing Rd, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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Early summer temperature reconstruction in the eastern Tibetan plateau since ad 1440 using tree-ring width of Sabina tibetica 期刊论文
THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 2011, 卷号: 106, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 45-53
Authors:  Zhu HF (朱海峰);  Shao XM (邵雪梅);  Yin ZY (Yin Zhi-Yong);  Huang L (Huang Lei);  Zhu HF (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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Peneplain formation in southern Tibet predates the India-Asia collision and plateau uplift 期刊论文
GEOLOGY, 2011, 卷号: 39, 期号: 10, 页码: 983-986
Authors:  Hetzel R (Hetzel Ralf);  Dunkl I (Dunkl Istvan);  Haider V (Haider Vicky);  Strobl M (Strobl Marcus);  von Eynatten H (von Eynatten Hilmar);  Ding L (丁林);  Frei D (Frei Dirk);  Hetzel R (通讯作者),Univ Munster, Inst Geol & Palaontol, Corrensstr 24, D-48149 Munster, Germany
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Pollen-inferred climate changes and vertical shifts of alpine vegetation belts on the northern slope of the Nyainqentanglha Mountains (central Tibetan Plateau) since 8.4 kyr BP 期刊论文
THE HOLOCENE, 2011, 卷号: 21, 期号: 6, 页码: 939-950
Authors:  Li Q (Li Quan);  Lu HY (Lu Houyuan);  Zhu LP (朱立平);  Wu NQ (Wu Naiqin);  Wang JB (王君波);  Lu XM (吕新苗);  Li Q (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geol & Geophys, Key Lab Cenozo Geol & Environm, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China
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Ecological stability during the LGM and the mid-Holocene in the Alpine Steppes of Tibet? 期刊论文
QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 2011, 卷号: 76, 期号: 2, 页码: 243-252
Authors:  Miehe G (Miehe Georg);  Miehe S (Miehe Sabine);  Bach K (Bach Kerstin);  Kluge J (Kluge Juergen);  Wesche K (Wesche Karsten);  Yang YP (杨永平);  Jianquan LQ (Liu Jianquan);  Miehe G (通讯作者),Univ Marburg, Fac Geog, Deutschhausstr 10, D-35032 Marburg, Germany
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Warming and grazing affect soil labile carbon and nitrogen pools differently in an alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS, 2011, 卷号: 11, 期号: 6, 页码: 903-914
Authors:  Rui YC (Rui Yichao);  Wang SP (汪诗平);  Xu ZH (Xu Zhihong);  Wang YF (Wang Yanfen);  Chen CR (Chen Chengrong);  Zhou XQ (Zhou Xiaoqi);  Kang XM (Kang Xiaoming);  Lu SB (Lu Shunbao);  Hu YG (Hu Yigang);  Lin QY (Lin Qiaoyan);  Luo CY (Luo Caiyun);  Wang YF (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Grad Univ, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
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U-Pb SHRIMP and (40)Ar/(39)Ar ages constrain the deformation history of the Karakoram fault zone (KFZ), SW Tibet 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2011, 卷号: 509, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 208-217
Authors:  Wang SF (王世锋);  Wang EC (Wang Erchie);  Fang XM (方小敏);  Lai QZ (来庆洲);  Wang SF (通讯作者),Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Continental Collis & Plateau Uplift, Beijing 100085, Peoples R China
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Plant communities of central Tibetan pastures in the Alpine Steppe/Kobresia pygmaea ecotone 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS, 2011, 卷号: 75, 期号: 8, 页码: 711-723
Authors:  Miehe G (Miehe G.);  Miehe S (Miehe S.);  Bach K (Bach K.);  Nolling J (Noelling J.);  Hanspach J (Hanspach J.);  Reudenbach C (Reudenbach C.);  Kaiser K (Kaiser K.);  Wesche K (Wesche K.);  Mosbrugger V (Mosbrugger V.);  Yang YP (杨永平);  Ma YM (马耀明);  Bach K (通讯作者),Univ Marburg, Fac Geog, Deutschhausstr 10, D-35032 Marburg, Germany
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A linkage between Asian dust, dissolved iron and marine export production in the deep ocean 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2011, 卷号: 45, 期号: 25, 页码: 4291-4298
Authors:  Han YX (Han Yongxiang);  Zhao TL (Zhao Tianliang);  Song LC (Song Lianchun);  Fang XM (方小敏);  Yin Y (Yin Yan);  Deng ZQ (Deng Zuqin);  Wang SP (Wang Suping);  Fan SX (Fan Shuxian);  Han YX (通讯作者),Nanjing Univ Informat Sci & Technol, Inst Atmospher Phys, Nanjing 210044, Peoples R China
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