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Earlier-Season Vegetation Has Greater Temperature Sensitivity of Spring Phenology in Northern Hemisphere 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2014, 卷号: 9, 期号: 2, 页码: e88178
Authors:  Shen, MG (Shen, Miaogen);  Tang, YH (Tang, Yanhong);  Chen, J (Chen, Jin);  Yang, X (Yang, Xi);  Wang, C (Wang, Cong);  Cui, XY (Cui, Xiaoyong);  Yang, YP (Yang, Yongping);  Han, LJ (Han, Lijian);  Li, L (Li, Le);  Du, JH (Du, Jianhui);  Zhang, GX (Zhang, Gengxin);  Cong, N (Cong, Nan);  Shen, MG,Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, 4A Datun Rd, Beijing, Peoples R China.
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A two-fold increase of carbon cycle sensitivity to tropical temperature variations 期刊论文
NATURE, 2014, 卷号: 506, 期号: 7487, 页码: 212-+
Authors:  Wang, XH (Wang, Xuhui);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Ciais, P (Ciais, Philippe);  Friedlingstein, P (Friedlingstein, Pierre);  Myneni, RB (Myneni, Ranga B.);  Cox, P (Cox, Peter);  Heimann, M (Heimann, Martin);  Miller, J (Miller, John);  Peng, SS (Peng, Shushi);  Wang, T (Wang, Tao);  Yang, H (Yang, Hui);  Chen, AP (Chen, Anping);  Piao, SL,Peking Univ, Sinofrench Inst Earth Syst Sci, Coll Urban & Environm Sci, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.
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The dependence of precipitation types on surface elevation and meteorological conditions and its parameterization 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 513, 期号: 0, 页码: 154-163
Authors:  Ding, BH (Ding, Baohong);  Yang, K (Yang, Kun);  Qin, J (Qin, Jun);  Wang, L (Wang, Lei);  Chen, YY (Chen, Yingying);  He, XB (He, Xiaobo);  Ding, BH,Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Bldg 3,Courtyard 16,Lincui Rd, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Ammonia oxidizers and denitrifiers in response to reciprocal elevation translocation in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS, 2014, 卷号: 14, 期号: 6, 页码: 1189-1199
Authors:  Zheng, Y (Zheng, Yong);  Yang, W (Yang, Wei);  Hu, HW (Hu, Hang-Wei);  Kim, YC (Kim, Yong-Chan);  Duan, JC (Duan, Ji-Chuang);  Luo, CY (Luo, Cai-Yun);  Wang, SP (Wang, Shi-Ping);  Guo, LD (Guo, Liang-Dong);  Zheng, Y,Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Microbiol, State Key Lab Mycol, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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Nutrient availability as the key regulator of global forest carbon balance 期刊论文
NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 2014, 卷号: 4, 期号: 6, 页码: 471-476
Authors:  Fernandez-Martinez, M (Fernandez-Martinez, M.);  Vicca, S (Vicca, S.);  Janssens, IA (Janssens, I. A.);  Sardans, J (Sardans, J.);  Luyssaert, S (Luyssaert, S.);  Campioli, M (Campioli, M.);  Chapin, FS (Chapin, F. S., III);  Ciais, P (Ciais, P.);  Malhi, Y (Malhi, Y.);  Obersteiner, M (Obersteiner, M.);  Papale, D (Papale, D.);  Piao, SL (Piao, S. L.);  Reichstein, M (Reichstein, M.);  Roda, F (Roda, F.);  Penuelas, J (Penuelas, J.);  Fernandez-Martinez, M,CREAF CSIC UAB, Global Ecol Unit, CSIC, Barcelona 08193, Catalonia, Spain.
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High carbon dioxide uptake by subtropical forest ecosystems in the East Asian monsoon region 期刊论文
Authors:  Yu, GR (Yu, Guirui);  Chen, Z (Chen, Zhi);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Peng, CH (Peng, Changhui);  Ciais, P (Ciais, Philippe);  Wang, QF (Wang, Qiufeng);  Li, XR (Li, Xuanran);  Zhu, XJ (Zhu, Xianjin);  Yu, GR,Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Synth Res Ctr Chinese Ecosyst Res Network, Key Lab Ecosyst Network Observat & Modeling, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
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A worldwide analysis of spatiotemporal changes in water balance-based evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2009 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2014, 卷号: 119, 期号: 3, 页码: 1186-1202
Authors:  Zeng, ZZ (Zeng, Zhenzhong);  Wang, T (Wang, Tao);  Zhou, F (Zhou, Feng);  Ciais, P (Ciais, Philippe);  Mao, JF (Mao, Jiafu);  Shi, XY (Shi, Xiaoying);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Piao, SL,Peking Univ, Coll Urban & Environm Sci, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.
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Terrestrial carbon cycle affected by non-uniform climate warming 期刊论文
NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 2014, 卷号: 7, 期号: 3, 页码: 173-180
Authors:  Xia, JY (Xia, Jianyang);  Chen, JQ (Chen, Jiquan);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Ciais, P (Ciais, Philippe);  Luo, YQ (Luo, Yiqi);  Wan, SQ (Wan, Shiqiang);  Wan, SQ,Henan Univ, Coll Life Sci, State Key Lab Cotton Biol, Key Lab Plant Stress Biol, JinMing Ave, Kaifeng 475004, Henan, Peoples R China.
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Accelerated climate change and its potential impact on Yak herding livelihoods in the eastern Tibetan plateau 期刊论文
CLIMATIC CHANGE, 2014, 卷号: 123, 期号: 2, 页码: 147-160
Authors:  Haynes, MA (Haynes, Michelle A.);  Kung, KJS (Kung, King-Jau Samuel);  Brandt, JS (Brandt, Jodi S.);  Yang, YP (Yang Yongping);  Waller, DM (Waller, Donald M.);  Haynes, MA,US Army Corps Engineers, Inst Water Resources, 7701 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA 22315 USA.
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Modelling glacier advances and related climate conditions during the last glaciation cycle in the Kuzigun Valley, Tashkurgan catchment, on the north-west Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 2014, 卷号: 29, 期号: 3, 页码: 279-288
Authors:  Xu, XK (Xu, Xiangke);  Dong, GC (Dong, Guocheng);  Pan, BL (Pan, Baolin);  Xu, XK,Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Tibetan Plateau Res, Key Lab Tibetan Environm Changes & Land Surface P, Beijing, Peoples R China.
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