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Surficial Slip and Rupture Geometry on the Beichuan Fault near Hongkou during the M-w 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake, China 期刊论文
BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 2010, 卷号: 100, 期号: 5B, 页码: 2615-2650
Authors:  Liu J(刘静);  Wen L(文力);  Sun;  J (Sun;  Jing);  Zhang ZH(张智惠);  Hu;  GY (Hu;  Guyue);  Xing;  XC (Xing;  Xiucheng);  Zeng;  LS (Zeng;  Lingsen);  Xu;  QA (Xu;  Qiang);  Liu J(刘静)
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Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure across the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake, Sichuan, China 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2010, 卷号: 491, 期号: 1-4, 页码: 211-217
Authors:  Pei SP(裴顺平);  Su;  JR (Su;  Jinrong);  Zhang;  HJ (Zhang;  Haijiang);  Sun;  YS (Sun;  Youshun);  Toksoz;  MN (Toksoez;  M. Nafi);  Wang;  Z (Wang;  Zhi);  Gao X(高星);  Liu J(刘静);  He JK(何建坤);  Pei SP(裴顺平)
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Stable isotopes of modern herbivore tooth enamel in the Tibetan Plateau: Implications for paleoelevation reconstructions 期刊论文
CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2010, 卷号: 55, 期号: 1, 页码: 45-55
Authors:  Xu Q(许强);  Ding L(丁林);  Zhang LY(张利云);  Yang D(杨迪);  Cai FL(蔡福龙);  Lai QZ(来庆洲);  Liu J(刘静);  Shi RD(史仁灯);  Ding L(丁林)
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Exhumation history of the deepest central Himalayan rocks, Ama Drime range: Key pressure-temperature-deformation-time constraints on orogenic models 期刊论文
TECTONICS, 2010, 卷号: 29, 期号: TC2014
Authors:  Kali;  E (Kali;  E.);  Leloup;  PH (Leloup;  P. H.);  Arnaud;  N (Arnaud;  N.);  Maheo;  G (Maheo;  G.);  Liu;  DY (Liu;  Dunyi);  Boutonnet;  E (Boutonnet;  Van der Woerd;  J (Van der Woerd;  J.);  Liu XH(刘小汉);  Liu J(刘静);  Li;  HB (Li;  Haibing);  Kali, E
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