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The importance of data type, laser spot density and modelling method for vegetation height mapping in continental China 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 2016, 卷号: 37, 期号: 24, 页码: 6127-6148
Authors:  Liu, CX (Liu, Caixia);  Wang, XY (Wang, Xiaoyi);  Huang, HB (Huang, Huabing);  Gong, P (Gong, Peng);  Wu, D (Wu, Di);  Jiang, JX (Jiang, Jinxiong);  Huang, HB
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Global warming-related tree growth decline and mortality on the north-eastern Tibetan plateau 期刊论文
CLIMATIC CHANGE, 2016, 卷号: 134, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 163-176
Authors:  Liang, E (Liang, Eryuan);  Leuschner, C (Leuschner, Christoph);  Dulamsuren, C (Dulamsuren, Choimaa);  Wagner, B (Wagner, Bettina);  Hauck, M (Hauck, Markus);  Liang, E
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Biogeochemical evidence for freshwater periods during the Last Glacial Maximum recorded in lake sediments from Nam Co, south-central Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, 2016, 卷号: 55, 期号: 1, 页码: 67-82
Authors:  Witt, R (Witt, Roman);  Gunther, F (Guenther, Franziska);  Lauterbach, S (Lauterbach, Stefan);  Kasper, T (Kasper, Thomas);  Mausbacher, R (Maeusbacher, Roland);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Gleixner, G (Gleixner, Gerd);  Gleixner, G
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Soil seed bank and its relation with above-ground vegetation along the degraded gradients of alpine meadow 期刊论文
ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 卷号: 90, 期号: 0, 页码: 268-277
Authors:  Shang, ZH (Shang, Zhanhuan);  Yang, SH (Yang, Shihai);  Wang, YL (Wang, Yanlong);  Shi, JJ (Shi, Jianjun);  Ding, LM (Ding, Luming);  Long, RJ (Long, Ruijun);  Shang, ZH
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Contrasting changes in above- and below-ground biomass allocation across treeline ecotones in southeast Tibet 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE, 2016, 卷号: 13, 期号: 11, 页码: 2036-2045
Authors:  Liu, XS (Liu Xin-sheng);  Nie, YQ (Nie Yu-qin);  Kong, GQ (Kong Gao-qiang);  Luo, TX (Luo Tian-xiang);  Liu, XS
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Pattern of xylem phenology in conifers of cold ecosystems at the Northern Hemisphere 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2016, 卷号: 22, 期号: 11, 页码: 3804-3813
Authors:  Rossi, S (Rossi, Sergio);  Anfodillo, T (Anfodillo, Tommaso);  Cufar, K (Cufar, Katarina);  Cuny, HE (Cuny, Henri E.);  Deslauriers, A (Deslauriers, Annie);  Fonti, P (Fonti, Patrick);  Frank, D (Frank, David);  Gricar, J (Gricar, Jozica);  Gruber, A (Gruber, Andreas);  Huang, JG (Huang, Jian-Guo);  Jyske, T (Jyske, Tuula);  Kaspar, J (Kaspar, Jakub);  King, G (King, Gregory);  Krause, C (Krause, Cornelia);  Liang, EY (Liang, Eryuan);  Makinen, H (Makinen, Harri);  Morin, H (Morin, Hubert);  Nojd, P (Nojd, Pekka);  Oberhuber, W (Oberhuber, Walter);  Huang, JG
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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition affected by original elevation rather than translocation along an altitudinal gradient on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2016, 卷号: 6, 期号: 0, 页码: 36606
Authors:  Yang, W (Yang, Wei);  Zheng, Y (Zheng, Yong);  Gao, C (Gao, Cheng);  Duan, JC (Duan, Ji-Chuang);  Wang, SP (Wang, Shi-Ping);  Guo, LD (Guo, Liang-Dong);  Guo, LD
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Chemical Composition of Microbe-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter in Cryoconite in Tibetan Plateau Glaciers: Insights from Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Analysis 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 卷号: 50, 期号: 24, 页码: 13215-13223
Authors:  Feng, L (Feng, Lin);  Xu, JZ (Xu, Jianzhong);  Kang, SC (Kang, Shichang);  Li, XF (Li, Xiaofei);  Li, Y (Li, Yang);  Jiang, B (Jiang, Bin);  Shi, Q (Shi, Quan);  Xu, JZ
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Understanding the wide geographic range of a clonal perennial grass: plasticity versus local adaptation 期刊论文
AOB PLANTS, 2016, 卷号: 8, 期号: 0, 页码: plv141
Authors:  Liu, YJ (Liu, Yanjie);  Zhang, LR (Zhang, Lirong);  Xu, XL (Xu, Xingliang);  Niu, HS (Niu, Haishan);  Niu, HS
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Simulated annual changes in plant functional types and their responses to climate change on the northern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
BIOGEOSCIENCES, 2016, 卷号: 13, 期号: 12, 页码: 3533-3548
Authors:  Cuo, L (Cuo, Lan);  Zhang, YX (Zhang, Yongxin);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Gao, YH (Gao, Yanhong);  Cuo, L
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