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Liquefaction in western Sichuan Basin during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China 期刊论文
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2017, 卷号: 694, 期号: 0, 页码: 214-238
Authors:  Jing, LZ (Jing Liu-Zeng);  Wang, P (Wang, Peng);  Zhang, ZH (Zhang, Zhihui);  Li, ZG (Li, Zhigang);  Cao, ZZ (Cao, Zhenzhong);  Zhang, JY (Zhang, Jinyu);  Yuan, XM (Yuan, Xiaoming);  Wang, W (Wang, Wei);  Xing, XC (Xing, Xiuchen);  Jing, LZ
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Sediment dynamics and hydrologic events affecting small lacustrine systems on the southern-central Tibetan Plateau - the example of TT Lake 期刊论文
HOLOCENE, 2015, 卷号: 25, 期号: 3, 页码: 508-522
Authors:  Ahlborn, M (Ahlborn, Marieke);  Haberzettl, T (Haberzettl, Torsten);  Wang, JB (Wang, Junbo);  Alivernini, M (Alivernini, Mauro);  Schlutz, F (Schluetz, Frank);  Schwarz, A (Schwarz, Anja);  Su, YL (Su, Youliang);  Frenzel, P (Frenzel, Peter);  Daut, G (Daut, Gerhard);  Zhu, LP (Zhu, Liping);  Mausbacher, R (Maeusbacher, Roland);  Ahlborn, M
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Climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation and erosion during the Pliocene-Quaternary in the Qaidam Basin (China) 期刊论文
GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, 2013, 卷号: 125, 期号: 5-6, 页码: 833-856
Authors:  Heermance, RV (Heermance, Richard V.);  Pullen, A (Pullen, Alex);  Kapp, P (Kapp, Paul);  Garzione, CN (Garzione, Carmala N.);  Bogue, S (Bogue, Scott);  Ding, L (Ding, Lin);  Song, PP (Song, Peiping);  Heermance, RV (通讯作者),Calif State Univ Northridge, Dept Geol Sci, Northridge, CA 91330 USA.
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龙门山山前砂土液化初步研究 期刊论文
水文地质工程地质, 2010, 期号: 1
Authors:  杜国云;  邢秀臣
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