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Data Descriptor: Daily observations of stable isotope ratios of rainfall in the tropics 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2019, 卷号: 9, 期号: 0, 页码: 14419
Authors:  Munksgaard, NC (Munksgaard, Niels C.);  Kurita, N (Kurita, Naoyuki);  Sanchez-Murillo, R (Sanchez-Murillo, Ricardo);  Ahmed, N (Ahmed, Nasir);  Araguas, L (Araguas, Luis);  Balachew, DL (Balachew, Dagnachew L.);  Bird, MI (Bird, Michael I.);  Chakraborty, S (Chakraborty, Supriyo);  Chinh, NK (Nguyen Kien Chinh);  Cobb, KM (Cobb, Kim M.);  Ellis, SA (Ellis, Shelby A.);  Esquivel-Hernandez, G (Esquivel-Hernandez, Germain);  Ganyaglo, SY (Ganyaglo, Samuel Y.);  Gao, J (Gao, Jing);  Gastmans, D (Gastmans, Didier);  Kaseke, KF (Kaseke, Kudzai F.);  Kebede, S (Kebede, Seifu);  Morales, MR (Morales, Marcelo R.);  Mueller, M (Mueller, Moritz);  Poh, SC (Poh, Seng Chee);  dos Santos, V (dos Santos, Vinicius);  Shaoneng, H (Shaoneng, He);  Wang, LX (Wang, Lixin);  Yacobaccio, H (Yacobaccio, Hugo);  Zwart, C (Zwart, Costijn)
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