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Top-down constraints on atmospheric mercury emissions and implications for global biogeochemical cycling 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2015, 卷号: 15, 期号: 12, 页码: 7103-7125
Authors:  Song, S (Song, S.);  Selin, NE (Selin, N. E.);  Soerensen, AL (Soerensen, A. L.);  Angot, H (Angot, H.);  Artz, R (Artz, R.);  Brooks, S (Brooks, S.);  Brunke, EG (Brunke, E. -G.);  Conley, G (Conley, G.);  Dommergue, A (Dommergue, A.);  Ebinghaus, R (Ebinghaus, R.);  Holsen, TM (Holsen, T. M.);  Jaffe, DA (Jaffe, D. A.);  Kang, S (Kang, S.);  Kelley, P (Kelley, P.);  Luke, WT (Luke, W. T.);  Magand, O (Magand, O.);  Marumoto, K (Marumoto, K.);  Pfaffhuber, KA (Pfaffhuber, K. A.);  Ren, X (Ren, X.);  Sheu, GR (Sheu, G. -R.);  Song, S
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Kinetic analysis and modeling of oleate and ethanol stimulated uranium (VI) bio-reduction in contaminated sediments under sulfate reduction conditions 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2010, 卷号: 183, 期号: 1-3, 页码: 482-489
Authors:  Zhang F(张凡);  Wu;  WM (Wu;  Wei-Min);  Parker;  JC (Parker;  Jack C.);  Mehlhorn;  T (Mehlhorn;  Tonia);  Kelly;  SD (Kelly;  Shelly D.);  Kemner;  KM (Kemner;  Kenneth M.);  Zhang GX(张更新);  Schadt;  C (Schadt;  Christopher);  Brooks;  SC (Brooks;  Scott C.);  Criddle;  CS (Criddle;  Craig S.);  Watson;  DB (Watson;  David B.);  Jardine;  PM (Jardine;  Philip M.);  Zhang F(张凡)
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