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A late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
NATURE, 2019, 卷号: 569 , 期号: 7756, 页码: 409-412
Authors:  Chen, FH (Chen, Fahu);  Welker, F (Welker, Frido);  Shen, CC (Shen, Chuan-Chou);  Bailey, SE (Bailey, Shara E.);  Bergmann, I (Bergmann, Inga);  Davis, S (Davis, Simon);  Xia, H (Xia, Huan);  Wang, H (Wang, Hui);  Fischer, R (Fischer, Roman);  Freidline, SE (Freidline, Sarah E.);  Yu, TL (Yu, Tsai-Luen);  Skinner, MM (Skinner, Matthew M.);  Stelzer, S (Stelzer, Stefanie);  Dong, GR (Dong, Guangrong);  Fu, QM (Fu, Qiaomei);  Dong, GH (Dong, Guanghui);  Wang, J (Wang, Jian);  Zhang, DJ (Zhang, Dongju);  Hublin, JJ (Hublin, Jean-Jacques)
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Asian monsoon variations revealed from stable isotopes in precipitation 期刊论文
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2018, 卷号: 51, 期号: 5-6, 页码: 2267-2283
Authors:  Yang, XX (Yang, Xiaoxin);  Davis, ME (Davis, Mary E.);  Acharya, S (Acharya, Sunil);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong)
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Ice core records of climate variability on the Third Pole with emphasis on the Guliya ice cap, western Kunlun Mountains 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2018, 卷号: 188, 期号: 0, 页码: 2019-01-14
Authors:  Thompson, LG (Thompson, Lonnie G.);  Yao, TD (Yao, Tandong);  Davis, ME (Davis, Mary E.);  Mosley-Thompson, E (Mosley-Thompson, Ellen);  Wu, GJ (Wu, Guangjian);  Porter, SE (Porter, Stacy E.);  Xu, BQ (Xu, Baiqing);  Lin, PN (Lin, Ping-Nan);  Wang, NL (Wang, Ninglian);  Beaudon, E (Beaudon, Emilie);  Duan, KQ (Duan, Keqin);  Sierra-Hernandez, MR (Sierra-Hernandez, M. Roxana);  Kenny, DV (Kenny, Donald V.)
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Anisotropy from SKS splitting across the Pacific-North America plate boundary offshore southern California 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 2016, 卷号: 207, 期号: 1, 页码: 244-258
Authors:  Ramsay, J (Ramsay, Joseph);  Kohler, MD (Kohler, Monica D.);  Davis, PM (Davis, Paul M.);  Wang, XG (Wang, Xinguo);  Holt, W (Holt, William);  Weeraratne, DS (Weeraratne, Dayanthie S.);  Kohler, MD
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Ice core evidence for asynchronous glaciation on the Tibetan Plateau 会议论文
0, Lhasa, PEOPLES R CHINA, AUG 04-06, 2004
Authors:  Thompson;  LG (Thompson;  Lonnie G.);  Mosley-Thompson;  E (Mosley-Thompson;  Ellen);  Davis;  ME (Davis;  Mary E.);  Mashiotta;  TA (Mashiotta;  Trac A.);  Henderson;  KA (Henderson;  Keith A.);  Lin;  PN (Lin;  Ping-Nan);  Yao TD(姚檀栋)
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Quaternary glaciation of Gurla Mandhata (Naimon'anyi) 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2010, 卷号: 29, 期号: 15-16, 页码: 1817-1830
Authors:  Owen;  LA (Owen;  Lewis A.);  Yi CL(易朝路);  Finkel;  RC (Finkel;  Robert C.);  Davis;  NK (Davis;  Nicole K.);  Owen, LA
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Quaternary glaciation of Mount Everest 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2009, 卷号: 28, 期号: 15-16, 页码: 1412-1433
Authors:  Owen;  LA (Owen;  Lewis A.);  Robinson;  R (Robinson;  Ruth);  Benn;  DI (Benn;  Douglas I.);  Finkel;  RC (Finkel;  Robert C.);  Davis;  NK (Davis;  Nicole K.);  Yi CL (易朝路);  Putkonen;  J (Putkonen;  Jaakko);  Li DW (李德文);  Murray;  AS (Murray;  Andrew S.)
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Mass loss on Himalayan glacier endangers water resources 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2008, 卷号: 35, 期号: 22, 页码: L22503
Authors:  Kehrwald NM (Kehrwald Natalie M.);  Thompson LG (Thompson Lonnie G.);  Yao TD(姚檀栋);  Mosley-Thompson E (Mosley-Thompson Ellen);  Schotterer U (Schotterer Ulrich);  Alfimov V (Alfimov Vasily);  Beer J (Beer Juerg);  Eikenberg J (Eikenberg Jost);  Davis ME (Davis Mary E.)
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A 1000 year history of atmospheric sulfate concentrations in southern Asia as recorded by a Himalayan ice core 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2007, 卷号: 34, 期号: 1, 页码: L01810
Authors:  Duan;  KQ (Duan;  Keqin);  Thompson;  LG (Thompson;  L. G.);  Yao TD(姚檀栋);  Davis;  ME (Davis;  M. E.);  Mosley-Thompson;  E (Mosley-Thompson;  E.)
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Correlation between the oxygen isotope record from Dasuopu ice core and the Asian Southwest Monsoon during the last millennium 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2007, 卷号: 26, 期号: 13-14, 页码: 1810-1817
Authors:  Yang;  B (Yang;  Bao);  Braeuning;  A (Braeuning;  Achim);  Yao TD(姚檀栋);  Davis;  ME (Davis;  Mary E.)
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