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Response of terrestrial evapotranspiration to Earth's greening 期刊论文
Authors:  Zeng, ZZ (Zeng, Zhenzhong);  Peng, LQ (Peng, Liqing);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong)
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Joint structural and physiological control on the interannual variation in productivity in a temperate grassland: A data-model comparison 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 24, 期号: 7, 页码: 2965-2979 
Authors:  Hu, ZM (Hu, Zhongmin);  Shi, H (Shi, Hao);  Cheng, KL (Cheng, Kaili);  Wang, YP (Wang, Ying-Ping);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Li, Y (Li, Yue);  Zhang, L (Zhang, Li);  Xia, JY (Xia, Jianyang);  Zhou, L (Zhou, Lei);  Yuan, WP (Yuan, Wenping);  Running, S (Running, Steve);  Li, LH (Li, Longhui);  Hao, YB (Hao, Yanbin);  He, NP (He, Nianpeng);  Yu, Q (Yu, Qiang);  Yu, GR (Yu, Guirui)
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A Systematic Evaluation of Noah-MP in Simulating Land-Atmosphere Energy, Water, and Carbon Exchanges Over the Continental United States 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 22, 页码: 12245-12268
Authors:  Ma, N (Ma, Ning);  Niu, GY (Niu, Guo-Yue);  Xia, YL (Xia, Youlong);  Cai, XT (Cai, Xitian);  Zhang, YS (Zhang, Yinsheng);  Ma, YM (Ma, Yaoming);  Fang, YH (Fang, Yuanhao);  Ma, N;  Niu, GY
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Recent increases in terrestrial carbon uptake at little cost to the water cycle 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 卷号: 8, 期号: 0, 页码: 110
Authors:  Cheng, L (Cheng, Lei);  Zhang, L (Zhang, Lu);  Wang, YP (Wang, Ying-Ping);  Canadell, JG (Canadell, Josep G.);  Chiew, FHS (Chiew, Francis H. S.);  Beringer, J (Beringer, Jason);  Li, LH (Li, Longhui);  Miralles, DG (Miralles, Diego G.);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Zhang, YQ (Zhang, Yongqiang);  Zhang, L
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Does increasing intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) stimulate tree growth at natural alpine timberline on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau? 期刊论文
GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 2017, 卷号: 148, 期号: 0, 页码: 217-226
Authors:  Huang, R (Huang, Ru);  Zhu, HF (Zhu, Haifeng);  Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohong);  Liang, EY (Liang, Eryuan);  Griessinger, J (Griessinger, Jussi);  Wu, GJ (Wu, Guoju);  Li, XX (Li, Xiaoxia);  Brauning, A (Brauning, Achim);  Liu, XH
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Simulated annual changes in plant functional types and their responses to climate change on the northern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
BIOGEOSCIENCES, 2016, 卷号: 13, 期号: 12, 页码: 3533-3548
Authors:  Cuo, L (Cuo, Lan);  Zhang, YX (Zhang, Yongxin);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Gao, YH (Gao, Yanhong);  Cuo, L
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Causes of uncertainty in China's net primary production over the 21st century projected by the CMIP5 Earth system models 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 2016, 卷号: 36, 期号: 5, 页码: 2323-2334
Authors:  Wang, T (Wang, Tao);  Lin, X (Lin, Xin);  Liu, YW (Liu, Yongwen);  Dantec-Nedelec, S (Dantec-Nedelec, Sarah);  Ottle, C (Ottle, Catherine);  Wang, T
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Global patterns and climate drivers of water-use efficiency in terrestrial ecosystems deduced from satellite-based datasets and carbon cycle models 期刊论文
GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 2016, 卷号: 25, 期号: 3, 页码: 311-323
Authors:  Sun, Y (Sun, Yan);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Huang, MT (Huang, Mengtian);  Ciais, P (Ciais, Philippe);  Zeng, ZZ (Zeng, Zhenzhong);  Cheng, L (Cheng, Lei);  Li, XR (Li, Xiran);  Zhang, XP (Zhang, Xinping);  Mao, JF (Mao, Jiafu);  Peng, SS (Peng, Shushi);  Poulter, B (Poulter, Benjamin);  Shi, XY (Shi, Xiaoying);  Wang, XH (Wang, Xuhui);  Wang, YP (Wang, Ying-Ping);  Zeng, H (Zeng, Hui);  Piao, SL
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Seasonal variations in leaf delta(13)C and nitrogen associated with foliage turnover and carbon gain for a wet subalpine fir forest in the Gongga Mountains, eastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2011, 卷号: 26, 期号: 2, 页码: 253-263
Authors:  Luo TX (罗天祥);  Li MC (李明才);  Luo J (Luo Ji)
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Development of a distributed biosphere hydrological model and its evaluation with the Southern Great Plains Experiments (SGP97 and SGP99) 期刊论文
Authors:  Wang;  L (Wang;  Lei);  Koike;  T (Koike;  Toshio);  Yang K(阳坤);  Jackson;  TJ (Jackson;  Thomas J.);  Bindlish;  R (Bindlish;  Rajat);  Yang;  DW (Yang;  Dawen)
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