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A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory network 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 2018, 卷号: 102, 期号: 0, 页码: 274-291
Authors:  Bruce, LC (Bruce, Louise C.);  Frassl, MA (Frassl, Marieke A.);  Arhonditsis, GB (Arhonditsis, George B.);  Gal, G (Gal, Gideon);  Hamilton, DP (Hamilton, David P.);  Hanson, PC (Hanson, Paul C.);  Hetherington, AL (Hetherington, Amy L.);  Melack, JM (Melack, John M.);  Read, JS (Read, Jordan S.);  Rinke, K (Rinke, Karsten);  Rigosi, A (Rigosi, Anna);  Trolle, D (Trolle, Dennis);  Winslow, L (Winslow, Luke);  Adrian, R (Adrian, Rita);  Ayala, AI (Ayala, Ana I.);  Bocaniov, SA (Bocaniov, Serghei A.);  Boehrer, B (Boehrer, Bertram);  Boon, C (Boon, Casper);  Brookes, JD (Brookes, Justin D.);  Bueche, T (Bueche, Thomas);  Busch, BD (Busch, Brendan D.);  Copetti, D (Copetti, Diego);  Cortes, A (Cortes, Alicia);  de Eyto, E (de Eyto, Elvira);  Elliott, JA (Elliott, J. Alex);  Gallina, N (Gallina, Nicole);  Gilboa, Y (Gilboa, Yael);  Guyennon, N (Guyennon, Nicolas);  Huang, L (Huang, Lei);  Kerimoglu, O (Kerimoglu, Onur);  Lenters, JD (Lenters, John D.);  MacIntyre, S (MacIntyre, Sally);  Makler-Pick, V (Makler-Pick, Vardit);  McBride, CG (McBride, Chris G.);  Moreira, S (Moreira, Santiago);  Ozkundakci, D (Oezkundakci, Deniz);  Pilotti, M (Pilotti, Marco);  Rueda, FJ (Rueda, Francisco J.);  Rusak, JA (Rusak, James A.);  Samal, NR (Samal, Nihar R.);  Schmid, M (Schmid, Martin);  Shatwell, T (Shatwell, Tom);  Snorthheim, C (Snorthheim, Craig);  Soulignac, F (Soulignac, Frederic);  Valerio, G (Valerio, Giulia);  van der Linden, L (van der Linden, Leon);  Vetter, M (Vetter, Mark);  Vincon-Leite, B (Vincon-Leite, Brigitte);  Wang, JB (Wang, Junbo);  Weber, M (Weber, Michael);  Wickramaratne, C (Wickramaratne, Chaturangi);  Woolway, RI (Woolway, R. Iestyn);  Yao, HX (Yao, Huaxia);  Hipsey, MR (Hipsey, Matthew R.)
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Atmospheric deposition, CO2, and change in the land carbon sink 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2017, 卷号: 7, 期号: 0, 页码: 9632
Authors:  Fernandez-Martinez, M (Fernandez-Martinez, M.);  Vicca, S (Vicca, S.);  Janssens, IA (Janssens, I. A.);  Ciais, P (Ciais, P.);  Obersteiner, M (Obersteiner, M.);  Bartrons, M (Bartrons, M.);  Sardans, J (Sardans, J.);  Verger, A (Verger, A.);  Canadell, JG (Canadell, J. G.);  Chevallier, F (Chevallier, F.);  Wang, X (Wang, X.);  Bernhofer, C (Bernhofer, C.);  Curtis, PS (Curtis, P. S.);  Gianelle, D (Gianelle, D.);  Gruwald, T (Gruewald, T.);  Heinesch, B (Heinesch, B.);  Ibrom, A (Ibrom, A.);  Knohl, A (Knohl, A.);  Laurila, T (Laurila, T.);  Piao, SL (Piao, S. L.);  Fernandez-Martinez, M
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Phylogenomic Analysis and Dynamic Evolution of Chloroplast Genomes in Salicaceae 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2017, 卷号: 8, 期号: 0, 页码: 1050
Authors:  Huang, Y (Huang, Yuan);  Wang, J (Wang, Jun);  Yang, YP (Yang, Yongping);  Fan, CZ (Fan, Chuanzhu);  Chen, JH (Chen, Jiahui);  Chen, JH;  Fan, CZ;  Yang, YP
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Prediction of future malaria hotspots under climate change in sub-Saharan Africa 期刊论文
CLIMATIC CHANGE, 2017, 卷号: 143, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 415-428
Authors:  Semakula, HM (Semakula, Henry Musoke);  Song, GB (Song, Guobao);  Achuu, SP (Achuu, Simon Peter);  Shen, MG (Shen, Miaogen);  Chen, JW (Chen, Jingwen);  Mukwaya, PI (Mukwaya, Paul Isolo);  Oulu, M (Oulu, Martin);  Mwendwa, PM (Mwendwa, Patrick Mwanzia);  Abalo, J (Abalo, Jannette);  Zhang, SS (Zhang, Shushen);  Song, GB
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Influence of the Indian monsoon and the subtropical jet on climate change on the Tibetan Plateau since the late Pleistocene 期刊论文
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2017, 卷号: 163, 期号: 0, 页码: 84-94
Authors:  Hou, JZ (Hou, Juzhi);  D'Andrea, WJ (D'Andrea, William J.);  Wang, MD (Wang, Mingda);  He, Y (He, Yue);  Liang, J (Liang, Jie);  Hou, JZ
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Holocene climatic and environmental change on the western Tibetan Plateau revealed by glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers and leaf wax deuterium-to-hydrogen ratios at Aweng Co 期刊论文
QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 2017, 卷号: 87, 期号: 3, 页码: 455-467
Authors:  Li, XM (Li, Xiumei);  Wang, MD (Wang, Mingda);  Zhang, YZ (Zhang, Yuzhi);  Lei, L (Lei, Li);  Hou, JZ (Hou, Juzhi);  Hou, JZ
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Reducing the uncertainty of parameters controlling seasonal carbon and water fluxes in Chinese forests and its implication for simulated climate sensitivities 期刊论文
GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, 2017, 卷号: 31, 期号: 8, 页码: 1344-1366
Authors:  Li, Y (Li, Yue);  Yang, H (Yang, Hui);  Wang, T (Wang, Tao);  MacBean, N (MacBean, Natasha);  Bacour, C (Bacour, Cedric);  Ciais, P (Ciais, Philippe);  Zhang, YP (Zhang, Yiping);  Zhou, GS (Zhou, Guangsheng);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Piao, SL
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Attribution of seasonal leaf area index trends in the northern latitudes with "optimally" integrated ecosystem models 期刊论文
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2017, 卷号: 23, 期号: 11, 页码: 4798-4813
Authors:  Zhu, ZC (Zhu, Zaichun);  Piao, SL (Piao, Shilong);  Lian, X (Lian, Xu);  Myneni, RB (Myneni, Ranga B.);  Peng, SS (Peng, Shushi);  Yang, H (Yang, Hui);  Piao, SL
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High spatio-temporal resolution mapping of soil moisture by integrating wireless sensor network observations and MODIS apparent thermal inertia in the Babao River Basin, China 期刊论文
REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 2017, 卷号: 191, 期号: 0, 页码: 232-245
Authors:  Kang, J (Kang, Jian);  Jin, R (Jin, Rui);  Li, X (Li, Xin);  Ma, CF (Ma, Chunfeng);  Qin, J (Qin, Jun);  Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yang);  Jin, R
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Using pre-critical PKiKP-PcP phases to constrain the regional structures of the inner core boundary beneath East Asia 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS, 2016, 卷号: 252, 期号: 0, 页码: 37-48
Authors:  Shen, ZY (Shen, Zhongyin);  Ai, YS (Ai, Yinshuang);  He, YM (He, Yumei);  Jiang, MM (Jiang, Mingming);  Shen, ZY
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