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Relationships between ecosystem services and human well-being changes based on carbon flow-A case study of the Manas River Basin, Xinjiang, China 期刊论文
ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, 2019, 卷号: 37, 期号: 0, 页码: 100934
Authors:  Xu, ZH (Xu, Zihan);  Wei, HJ (Wei, Hejie);  Fan, WG (Fan, Weiguo);  Wang, XC (Wang, Xuechao);  Zhang, P (Zhang, Peng);  Ren, JH (Ren, Jiahui);  Lu, NC (Lu, Nachuan);  Gao, ZC (Gao, Zhicheng);  Dong, XB (Dong, Xiaobin);  Kong, WD (Kong, Weidong)
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Evaluation and simulation of the impact of land use change on ecosystem services based on a carbon flow model: A case study of the Manas River Basin of Xinjiang, China 期刊论文
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019, 卷号: 652, 期号: 0, 页码: 117-133
Authors:  Xu, ZH (Xu, Zihan);  Fan, WG (Fan, Weiguo);  Wei, HJ (Wei, Hejie);  Zhang, P (Zhang, Peng);  Ren, JH (Ren, Jiahui);  Gao, ZC (Gao, Zhicheng);  Ulgiati, S (Ulgiati, Sergio);  Kong, WD (Kong, Weidong);  Dong, XB (Dong, Xiaobin)
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