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A 391-Year Summer Temperature Reconstruction of the Tien Shan, Reveals Far-Reaching Summer Temperature Signals Over the Midlatitude Eurasian Continent 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2019, 卷号: 124, 期号: 22, 页码: 11850-11862
Authors:  Chen, F (Chen, Feng);  Yuan, YJ (Yuan, Yujiang);  Yu, SL (Yu, Shulong);  Chen, FH (Chen, Fahu)
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A Column Canopy-Air Turbulent Diffusion Method for Different Canopy Structures 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2019, 卷号: 124, 期号: 2, 页码: 488-506
Authors:  Chen, XL (Chen, Xuelong);  Massman, WJ (Massman, William J.);  Su, ZB (Su, Zhongbo)
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Uncertainties in coupled regional Arctic climate simulations associated with the used land surface model 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 15, 页码: 7755-7771
Authors:  Matthes, H (Matthes, Heidrun);  Rinke, A (Rinke, Annette);  Zhou, X (Zhou, Xu);  Dethloff, K (Dethloff, Klaus);  Matthes, H
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A Systematic Evaluation of Noah-MP in Simulating Land-Atmosphere Energy, Water, and Carbon Exchanges Over the Continental United States 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 22, 页码: 12245-12268
Authors:  Ma, N (Ma, Ning);  Niu, GY (Niu, Guo-Yue);  Xia, YL (Xia, Youlong);  Cai, XT (Cai, Xitian);  Zhang, YS (Zhang, Yinsheng);  Ma, YM (Ma, Yaoming);  Fang, YH (Fang, Yuanhao);  Ma, N;  Niu, GY
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Evaluation of WRF Simulations With Different Selections of Subgrid Orographic Drag Over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 18, 页码: 9759-9772
Authors:  Zhou, X (Zhou, X.);  Beljaars, A (Beljaars, A.);  Wang, Y (Wang, Y.);  Huang, B (Huang, B.);  Lin, C (Lin, C.);  Chen, Y (Chen, Y.);  Wu, H (Wu, H.);  Zhou, X
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Black carbon aerosol and its radiative impact at a high-altitude remote site on the southeastern Tibet Plateau 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 10, 页码: 5515-5530
Authors:  Zhao, ZZ (Zhao, Zhuzi);  Wang, QY (Wang, Qiyuan);  Xu, BQ (Xu, Baiqing);  Shen, ZX (Shen, Zhenxing);  Huang, RJ (Huang, Rujin);  Zhu, CS (Zhu, Chongshu);  Su, XL (Su, Xiaoli);  Zhao, SY (Zhao, Shuyu);  Long, X (Long, Xin);  Liu, SX (Liu, Suixin);  Cao, JJ (Cao, Junji);  Cao, JJ
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Physical controls on half-hourly, daily, and monthly turbulent flux and energy budget over a high-altitude small lake on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 4, 页码: 2289-2303
Authors:  Wang, BB (Wang, Binbin);  Ma, YM (Ma, Yaoming);  Ma, WQ (Ma, Weiqiang);  Su, ZB (Su, Zhongbo);  Wang, BB
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Rapid northward shift of the Indian Monsoon on the Tibetan Plateau at the end of the Little Ice Age 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2017, 卷号: 122, 期号: 17, 页码: 9262-9279
Authors:  Zhang, XL (Zhang, Xiaolong);  Xu, BQ (Xu, Baiqing);  Gunther, F (Guenther, Franziska);  Witt, R (Witt, Roman);  Wang, M (Wang, Mo);  Xie, Y (Xie, Ying);  Zhao, HB (Zhao, Huabiao);  Li, JL (Li, Jiule);  Gleixner, G (Gleixner, Gerd);  Zhang, XL;  Gleixner, G
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The observation-based relationships between PM2.5 and AOD over China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2016, 卷号: 121, 期号: 18, 页码: 10701-10716
Authors:  Xin, JY (Xin, Jinyuan);  Gong, CS (Gong, Chongshui);  Liu, ZR (Liu, Zirui);  Cong, ZY (Cong, Zhiyuan);  Gao, WK (Gao, Wenkang);  Song, T (Song, Tao);  Pan, YP (Pan, Yuepeng);  Sun, Y (Sun, Yang);  Ji, DS (Ji, Dongsheng);  Wang, LL (Wang, Lili);  Tang, GQ (Tang, Guiqian);  Wang, YS (Wang, Yuesi);  Xin, JY;  Wang, YS
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Modeling hydrological process in a glacier basin on the central Tibetan Plateau with a distributed hydrology soil vegetation model 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2016, 卷号: 121, 期号: 16, 页码: 9521-9539
Authors:  Zhang, GS (Zhang, Guoshuai);  Kang, SC (Kang, Shichang);  Cuo, L (Cuo, Lan);  Qu, B (Qu, Bin);  Kang, SC
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